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Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

After The Election Conservatives Will Gain Some Control: Food For Thought (Video)

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By Bill Hurst, Let’s take a look at were we stand in this great nation of ours. All great societies (nations of the world) started as protecting individual freedoms, and free enterprise. The fall of the Roman Empire and the Grecian Empire culminated with the burdensome demands of a socialistic and degenerate society…

Republicans, Democrats

A ‘republican’ (a member of what Americans call the Republican Party) favors a form of government referred to as a republic in which elected officials represent the people in governing the nation. It is the most orderly form of government. ‘Republicanism’ also means ‘self government’. American Republicans also are known as conservatives,are on the political ‘right’ and support  the free-market or capitalist economic platform.

A ‘democrat’ (a member of what Americans call the Democrat party) favors a form of government referred to as a democracy in which every member of the population could potentially be involved in voting on every decision that the government makes. This pure form of democracy works in private meetings and small towns, but otherwise is only theoretically possible, and is chaotic compared to the republican way. The word ‘chaos’ is important because it represents the liberal approach to social structure as opposed to Republicans’ sense of order. Democrats also are known as liberals, leftists or socialists and ally themselves with a welfare-state or government-command economic platform.

But there are so-called elections, mock democracies and phony representative governments even under dictatorships. The only meaningful result of any form of government is liberty, and the freedom to live your life without interference from your own government. The achievement and maintenance of liberty is an ‘active’ endeavor undertaken by virtuous and disciplined people living in an ordered reality. Weak, passive and pacifist people are easily subjected to despotism. And in the history of the United States, the longest-lived example of liberty and prosperity in the history of the world, we see the triumph of a capitalist republican culture that is a model for freedom-lovers everywhere.

America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Republicans and conservative capitalists favor a small government and low taxes to promote individual initiative and self-reliance so that citizens can provide for themselves. People who vote Republican statistically are better educated, more technologically adept, have closer, happier and bigger families, are more ambitious, and are more prosperous than those who vote otherwise. Thus they do not want or need the government to tell them how to live. The Republican party fares best among the self-reliant people in suburban, small-town and rural America on whose intelligence and discipline our nation – and the world economy – has been built.

The core of conservative ideology is individualism, which the competent, disciplined person is capable of caring for himself or herself, and for the lives of their families. The family itself represents individualism because it is the smallest, most natural and strongest unit of society above the lone person. Conservative individualism is a positive trait deeming that people will work to be self-reliant and positive in outlook; will depend on nobody else; and will contribute to the community through those traits, not expecting anything from the community.

Working together with the concept of individualism is the free-market capitalist economic system of risks and rewards, which says that those who take the risks are eligible for the rewards And while a static, theoretical analysis – on which all socialist theory is based – would consider that a risk/reward system would produce an equal number of winners and losers, history has shown that risk/reward capitalist systems produce high levels of economic growth while risk-less socialist/communist always systems shrink and die, and ultimately provide opportunity for none.

Conservative Republicans believe in everything that America’s Founding Fathers desired – free-market capitalism, individual initiative and reward, private property rights, a moral and religious populace, majority rule, and a rejection of the welfare state and wealth redistribution. And the American Revolution originally was fought in order to free us from unreasonable taxation.

Socialism, however, is an urban and academic phenomenon that seeks higher taxation, and favors the idea that people rely not on themselves but on government for the necessities of life. This is part of the contrary socialist mindset: To disagree with the principles of rational individualist capitalism. Every tenet of socialism is diametrically opposed to the wishes of the Founders of our nation.

One of the core premises of socialism is utterly false, that all people have roughly equal abilities and that it is thus the duty of the government to distribute wealth equally and to ‘level out’ the ‘playing field’ of life so that everyone gets their equal opportunity. Socialism actually is a system in which risk is eliminated by government. But socialism historically has created suffering by failing to account for human nature, by forcing people into theoretical economic systems concocted and operated by urban and academic intellectuals, systems that deprive productive people of the fruits of their labors, and of the natural incentive of simple economic reward.

Socialism represents the institutionalization of mediocrity and conformity. It stifles individual creativity in favor of collectivism and consensus thinking, and thus socialist societies never have and never will produce great art, architecture, literature, philosophy, technology etc.

There is no objective truth in socialism, no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. For socialists, opinion is everything, and this is why their ideology is prevalent on college campuses, where opinion is all, and thus all opinions are considered valid. This is one of most crucial ways in which leftist socialism works to refute a central principle of rational conservatism which says that there is right and wrong, and that universal truths exist.

Socialism forever is proclaiming itself to be mankind’s savior and a friend of ‘the little guy’ but in fact it is capitalism that repeatedly has turned out that way because capitalism is the only system that creates wealth. Even the anti-capitalist United Nations in its 2002 Human Development Report stated that world poverty fell 20% between 1990 and 1999, an era when aggressive globalization (free-trade capitalism) was spreading at a pace unequaled in the entire 20th century. Poverty fell most markedly in India and China where, respectively, radical socialist and outright communist governments had controlled and smothered the economies for decades.

Socialism creates no wealth; it consumes, dissipates and destroys wealth. It is anti-business. It is a system of government control that only redistributes existing wealth. In fact, every time wealth is created, there is a leftist to complain – environmentalists complain about the pollution; college professors complain about the profit you’ve made; union activists complain about the wages paid. In other words, the focus is on the negative.

Since it creates no wealth, the heart of socialism is the appropriation of wealth through taxation, patronage and cronyism. Since their system creates no wealth, socialists are infinitely more obsessed with wealth than capitalists. And since socialism creates no wealth while its mission is to redistribute wealth, socialism is by nature paradoxical. This is why socialism always produces the opposite result of its stated ideals.

It is crucial to remember always that socialists are interested in helping “the poor” or “the environment” only to the extent that the systems they set up first transfer wealth and power to the socialist élite itself and to its unproductive allies (i.e., government bureaucrats, trial lawyers, environmental organizations and activists etc.) who work to keep the élite in power. This all happens while consuming wealth, not producing it.

Since it creates no wealth, the life force in socialism comes from controlling the lives of other people. Therefore political power is everything to the socialist. That is why they devote their lives to building political machines and winning elections by any means possible, because that is the only way that the socialist can feel that he is contributing to society, by influencing that society through legislation, patronage and bureaucracy.

And this is why the economically declining states in the Northern Tier of the United States from Michigan to Maine increasingly are Democrat. As productive people (conservatives, Republicans) leave for greener pastures in the South and West, Democrats stay behind to keep the bureaucratic government jobs that they are made for, to lord over a weaker and poorer population, without challenge.

And since they create nothing, socialists must take control of as many institutions as possible, once the hard work of building those institutions (corporations, the media, the universities, the arts, the nonpartisan judiciary, churches, foundations) has been completed. One example: Atheist, pro-abortion feminist Patricia Ireland was hired in 2003 as CEO of the Young Women’s Christian Association, an organization started during the Civil War and built on years of good deeds by caring Christian women. Ireland formerly was president of the National Organization for Women. (She was fired on October 20, 2003 after her leadership was deemed inappropriate in light of YWCA history.)

This is how socialists work – one person at a time, they insinuate themselves into healthy, conservative institutions that represent discipline and order. Once like-minded people within those institutions reach a numerical tipping point, socialists begin to dictate those institutions’ policies. Even traditional purely democratic institutions like Vermont’s old-fashioned annual town meetings began to be taken over as far back as the late 1960s by leftists who had moved into the state, primarily from New York City. They turned meetings that once focused in true democratic fashion on local issues like road repairs and town budgets into one-sided harangues over nuclear power, US foreign policy, military spending and all the other favored issues.

Individualism is a bad word to liberals. Yet they preach another type of individualism which is the polar opposite of that espoused by conservatives. It is a feminine self-centeredness or an insecure narcissism, where the person considers himself or herself to be the most important entity in the world exclusive of others and of the community at large, and focuses only on how the world can cater to his or her needs, pleasures, emotions, weaknesses and phobias. This creates an uncertain and dependent society that can be catered to by a centralized élite that manifests these same attributes.

Basic Forms Of Government:

A must read!

The Proper Role Of Government

The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, Today! November 2nd, is the day when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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Walt Minnick’s Theme Song For Election Night! (Video)

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By Bill Hurst, Minnick‘s wild desires is to win at all cost! Lies, disgusting deceitful ads, personal attacks and much more! Well Walt you know where you go for lying!

Idaho's Liberal Congressman Minnick, Posing As A Conservative

Walt Here Are The Lyrics For Your Election Night Theme Song!

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Walt, It’s Over! (Foster Can Sing This To You)

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Walt Minnick Liar Liar:

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Run Minnick Run From The Hard Questions!

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Push The Down Button Walt…The Down Button!

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Minnick going down, yes your disgusting deceitful ads are not working and are going to bring you down to the bottom. Walt you will be comfortable at the bottom.

Idaho's Liberal Congressman Minnick, Posing As A Conservative

Run Minnick Run From The Hard Questions!


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The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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Minnick’s Campaign Desperate…Lashing Out In Vain! (Video)

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By Bill Hurst,  Minnick‘s campaign still strikes out with falsehoods, lies, attempts at character assassination,  misrepresentations and plain old childlike behavior! Then Minnick runs off and hides so he will not have to stand tall for his actions. Do we want this malcontent as our congressman?  Walt, Your attack dog Johnny Foster is doing a poor job! Your defeat will be at his feet and his feet alone!

Here is the latest on the Lopez case and Minnick’s attack ad:

From Raul Labrador’s Campaign:

October 28, Boise, ID – Walt Minnick’s flailing re-election campaign reached new lows in desperation today with an ad so wildly false and misleading the Labrador campaign has called for it to be taken down immediately.

Walt Minnick is asserting in his latest smear ad that Raul Labrador conspired to allow a criminal to flee the country so he wouldn’t have to face charges filed against him.

The real facts of the case are Raul Labrador represented a client named Carlos Lopez in 2001.  Carlos Lopez was arrested and subsequently charged with Misprison of Felony.  Upon his arrest it was determined by the INS that Carlos Lopez was in this country illegally.  Because of this, the INS placed an “Immigration Detainer” on him pending trial, which means that if he were released while awaiting trial the INS steps in and books them under their jurisdiction.

Read Entire Article Here


Former U.S. Attorney for Idaho Tom Moss:

I am speaking in my personal capacity and not on behalf of the US Attorney’s office or the Department of Justice.  My personal opinion after a review of the matter is that Mr. Labrador did nothing illegal or unethical. He was simply representing his client within the law and according to court procedures as allowed at that time, as I would expect any competent attorney to do. In my personal opinion the television ad is unfair in that it distorts the facts in a prejudicial manner.”

INS Special Agent (Retired):

From 1987 until my retirement in 2005, I was an INS Special Agent assigned to the organized crime Drug Task Force. I was one of the case agents in a federal prosecution of approximately 26 defendants where Carlos Lopez was charged. He was very low level defendant who was charged as being present during the delivery of money from a prior drug deal.

Upon his arrest, I determined that he was from Mexico and in the country illegally. An INS detainer was placed with the U. S. Marshal’s Service. In a subsequent detention hearing, the U.S. Magistrate released Lopez on certain condition. The INS took custody of Lopez and afforded him due process as required by law. He was sent to a detention center where he was afforded a deportation hearing and I presume was deported.

Mr. Labrador defended his client in this matter as he was required to do under his oath and as expected by the prosecution. His actions in this case were in accordance with proper handling of a criminal case by a defense attorney.

Mr. Minnick’s characterizations of the events of this case are completely dishonest and misleading. His ad is intentionally deceiving and is simply character assassination.


From the

Minnick ad targets Labrador’s work helping an illegal immigrant

The latest television commercial from Congressman Walt Minnick follows a familiar theme in his campaign: criticizing Republican state Rep. Raul Labrador’s past work as an immigration attorney. The latest ad focuses on one specific case, accusing Labrador of helping an illegal immigrant facing drug charges escape prosecution.

Read Entire Article By Brad Iverson-Long


Minnick Campaign Irks Idahoans Loses Votes By The Hundreds:


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Minnick Talks In Circles:

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What Others Are Saying About Minnick’s Attack Ads & Possible Motives Behind Them (Video)

Minnick: Wanted Political Opportunist! Mike Johnson Gets Job!

The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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Minnick’s Lies, Subterfuges & Disruptions Will Not Get Him Reelected

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By Bill Hurst,  Minnick‘s,  campaign is using the same old lies mixed with the new ones! These packaged lies are then blended with subterfuges and topped off with the usual bag of disruptions.

Minnick’s campaign is so desperate that they have pulled out all the stops.  Walt Minnick, has not accomplished much during his two-year tenure as Idaho’s Congressman from the 1st CD. Trying to hide this fact, Minnick is slamming Raul Labrador with another barrage of lies and dirty tricks.

Mr. Minnick, tear down the wall of deceit and show yourself! Idahoans are disgusted and not amused by your child like behavior. On second thought Mr. Minnick keep it up because you are losing the Congressional race for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District.

Let’s get a few things straight Walt:

1) You did not serve in Vietnam you were in a cushy Pentagon job while my older friends were fighting, dying, and wounded by enemy fire.

2) You have saddled future generations of Idahoans with dept and higher taxes.

3) You do not want to repeal Obamacare. You would rather burden small business to the point of bankruptcy.

4) You are pro-abortion and care less about unborn human beings.


Why would anyone want to vote for Walt Minnick when he is going to vote more liberal in his second term and counter the conservative vote of Idaho’s other Congressman?

Walt to you and your sleazy campaign: Labrador supporters will not be denied a victory! They will prevail! They will not be denied! What you see on the horizon is Raul Labrador defeating you!



Democrats Running For Cover!:


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What Others Are Saying About Minnick’s Attack Ads & Possible Motives Behind Them (Video)


Minnick: Wanted Political Opportunist! Mike Johnson Gets Job!


The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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A Vote For Minnick Is Like Giving Him A Cookie! (Video)

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By Bill Hurst, Minnick claims to be a fiscal conservative! He is dead Wrong!

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View These Articles See Why Minnick Is Not A Fiscal Conservative!

The Financial Stability Act:Huge Government Take Over! (Video)

Minnick Wrong On His Own Voting Record! (video)

Minnick Hyper-Critical Of Congressional Spending On Perks: Then Spends More Than His Counterparts (Video)

Minnick Support Of Failed Stimulus Bills (Video)

Minnick-Democrats F In Economics: Edujobs Stimulus Fix Blows-up In Their Faces (Video)

Minnick does not want to repeal ObamaCare.

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The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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Minnick: Wanted Political Opportunist! Mike Johnson Gets Job!

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By Bill Hurst, Walt Minnick, posing as a conservative, needed to give some credibility to his felonious attack ads against Raul Labrador. The attack ads falsely accuse Labrador as favoring illegal immigration and profiting from illegal activity. So Minnick recruits political opportunist Mike Johnson. Johnson has ridden the coat tails of the Idaho Republican party for years.

Johnson’s first civil servant job was as a deputy coroner in the early 70’s for Ada County. Then he was a “part-time” boat cop for Ada County. He had some connections up in the little sleepy area of Boise County and secured a place as a “full-time” Deputy Sheriff in the mid 1970’s. This was for a very brief time.

Back to Ada County where in 1978 he was able to run unopposed as that counties elected Coroner; this position was also secured by his friends in the Republican Party.  In 1984 Mike had an opportunity to run unopposed as an Ada County Commissioner. When Johnson was up for re-election this time he drew an opponent and lost his bid for commissioner.

This will be a good place to regress a little and tell you why Mike was able to hop around and never really had to work through the ranks. Mr. Johnson has always tried to situate himself, not for a job, but for a “position.”   Mike has relatives and friends in high places, people including  high-ranking state and federal government officials to judges.

Johnson then manipulated his way into an appointment by President George H.W. Bush as the U.S. Marshal for Idaho. His tenure with the Marshal’s Service was marred by his debacle of Ruby Ridge in Northern Idaho. See Mike really was not much of a peace officer as he had very little experience in law enforcement.

Former Canyon County Sheriff George Nourse stated,

Mike never did complete Idaho Post Academy nor did he ever have any advance law-enforcement training. Yes, Mike Johnson was always looking for a cushy job he never has had a real law-enforcement career!   Johnson working for the Marshal’s service had nothing to do with illegal immigration, no immigration enforcement, no transport of illegals.

Nourse expanded,

As a matter of fact most of the Marshal work that he was in charge of was serving Federal civil subpoenas.”

As Mike quietly slips out of the Marshal’s Service and into the top baggage cop at the Boise Airport.  This came even after objections from Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs around the State of Idaho. This was because Johnson was not a “certified” police officer. There was also scandal at the Boise Airport and Johnson slipped out unscathed.

Is this the best Minnick can scrape up is someone with a less than stellar law-enforcement career?  To me it speaks volumes of the type of campaign and congressman Walt Minnick really is. Again I say… Will The Real Walt Minnick Stand Up!:

Mike Johnson Political Gigolo!

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This Is The Real Walt Minnick:     

Raul Labrador’s A Stand-Up Guy!:

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The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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The Difference Is Clear Between Raul Labrador and Walt Minnick! (Video)

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By Bill Hurst,  Walt Minnick, posing as a conservative, will not speak to the issues no wonder he does not want to debate Raul Labrador.

Learn the truth about the difference between Raul Labrador and Walt Minnick. The videos and the information contained here and other links will give you the truth about the two candidates. Please share with your friends and family so truthful  information will be spread among  the voters of Idaho’s 1st Congressional District.

Walt Minnick is called Idaho’s stealth progressive, by conservative blogger Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Walt Minnick Idaho’s Stealth Progressive [Liberal]. Well Terresa has hit the nail on the head; Minnick has done a good job so far avoiding the issues that face the country.

Walt Minnick does not want to debate Raul Labrador. The reason is that Raul Labrador has a command of the issues and can think on his feet:

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Raul Labrador Has A Clear & Precise Stance On Immigration (video)

Will The Real Walt Minnick Stand Up!:






Click These Articles For More Information:

Let’s Take A Look At Minnick’s History (video)

Minnick Wrong On His Own Voting Record! (video)

Minnick Supported Obama & Pelosi:Gingrich Explains Why Democrats Are Dodging (Video)

Minnick Just Wants To Make Some Liberal Changes To Obamacare:No On Repeal!

Minnick Hyper-Critical Of Congressional Spending On Perks: Then Spends More Than His Counterparts (Video)

Minnick Won’t Say!…The Liberal Democrat’s Election Strategy?

Weeding Out “Minnick Myths”: Debunking…He is “Blue Dog Democrat” (Video)

The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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Minnick Hyper-Critical Of Congressional Spending On Perks: Then Spends More Than His Counterparts (Video)

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By Bill Hurst, Minnick, posing as a conservative, has a history of criticizing during campaigns then turns around and does what he is critical of!

Let’s explore Minnick’s criticism of congressional spending on travel and franking privileges (the right of Senators and Representatives to send job-related mail without paying postage.)

In 2009 Minnick has spent almost $102,000.00 in travel related expenses. While Idaho’s other Representative has spent about $67,000 on travel. While campaigning for his run to represent Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, Minnick had concerns over the lack of accountability and transparency in the Federal Government.

From Minnick’s website

I believe our nation’s budgets should be balance, but am gravely concerned about the lack of fiscal accountability and responsibility in Washington D.C. We must go back to paying for what we spend, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Minnick states that we are all required to demand accountably for our tax dollars so that every penny is spent in the most cost-effective way. He went on to say that wasteful spending is the wrong approach to spending taxpayer dollars

Yes Walt, Let’s Stop The Spending  For Our Children Sake!

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It seems like Minnick has taken his cue from Obama and his platform of openness and transparency in government. Well it was fine to say it to get elected, but the follow through lacks any semblance of reality. As a matter of fact it has gotten worse.

Here is what I said about Obama’s and the Democrats so-called transparency in my blog titled:

Pelosi’s Power Over So Called “Blue Dog” Democrats:Predicts Dems To Retain Control (video)

The Republicans have asked about transparency that Obama has promised to protect us from the evils of government. While spreading the rhetoric, Obama has let Pelosi work behind the proverbial “Oz Curtain.”  This allows Pelosi’s Congress to have the control over the committee chairman to concoct an array of free-enterprise busting bills behind the cloaked curtain. The new bill will be ceremoniously presented to the House floor and passed without the benefit of thought-provoking debate. This newly passed bill will be moved on down the street with haste and the “transparency” President Obama will put his rubber stamp on the new piece of liberal-socialistic law. This was undoubtedly what the endorsers of Obama’s “hope and change” were expecting.

I won’t go into a lot of detail myself about the franking privileges that Minnick has taken advantage of and will let the article from the speak to

Minnick used $150,000 in franking dollars in his first 15 months in office

that subject. I will however, comment on Minnick’s mailing on August 3rd of this year, Minnick used the congressional “franking” privilege to send 100,000 mailers to registered voters at a cost of $59,000. The postcard is headlined “Idaho Voting Laws Have Changed.” The 2010 Legislature passed a law, effective July 1, requiring voters to produce photo ID at the polls.

Minnick took the task on, to inform Idaho voters of something the State enacted. It appears that Minnick does not think that the media, county clerks, Secretary of States Office, the local political parties, will do an adequate job of informing local voters of the new ID requirement for voting!


In 1996 when then-citizen Walt Minnick ran to unseat then-Sen. Larry Craig, Minnick took exception with Craig running as a “fiscal conservative” while using the congressional franking privileges to send out more than $132,000 worth of taxpayer-funded mailings to constituents. Minnick, during his first year in Congress, has used more than $150,000 for taxpayer dollars to frank, though his campaign spokesman points out that he has used that money for more direct forms of communication as well, such as telephone town hall meetings. Staffers for Minnick’s electoral opponent, Republican Raul Labrador, say that Minnick is using the franking privilege for political purposes.

Read More Here Minnick criticized Craig in 1996 for franking privileges he now uses:

Idaho Feedom Foundation: Franking Privilege Comes With A Cost

Also Visit: Out Of Control Government Spending

Walt Minnick is right there with all the other big spenders [HQ]

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The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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What Others Are Saying About Minnick’s Attack Ads & Possible Motives Behind Them (Video)

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By Bill Hurst, Does Walt Minnick, posing as a conservative, with the front man John Foster, want to “foster” bigotry; or are the attach ads to give Minnick a place to hide his airbrushed version of his past and his Congressional voting record ?

In previous articles I have demonstrated flaws in Minick’s version of his real past and voting history during his tenure in Congress. He has conveniently manipulated the truth about both of these seemingly controversial subjects in his authentic life history and his first term in Congress, representing Idaho’s 1st Congressional District.  This article attempts to reveal a few of his “airbrushed” versions of himself and the more exact account, which is not widely known by both political parties and chiefly by the constituency that he represents; Read Here: Will The Real Walt Minnick Stand Up!(Click Here for Full Story)

Read More On My Blog About Minnick And ObamaCare, The Economy, stimulus Bills, People He Gets Support From…Etc

Let’s Take A Look At His History (video)


The Walt Minnick You Don’t Know

In the glossy version, Walt worked in the Nixon White House on drug policy and he did—with a budget that, under his watch, ballooned to over 13 times what it was when he began. But even though he requested and received a letter from the Watergate Special Prosecutor confirming he was never a target of the investigation, multiple sources place Minnick, at least temporarily, in the Special Investigations Unit. Known as the “Plumbers,” this brainchild of Nixon was tasked with preventing leaks of classified information and carrying out covert operations against his political enemies. Led by Minnick’s boss, Egil Krogh, who would eventually plead guilty and spend time in prison, the Plumbers were the nucleus of illegal activity that would ultimately lead to the downfall of the administration.
In the postcard version, Walt “resigned in protest” after the Saturday Night Massacre (when Nixon fired Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox). It’s not clear when Minnick actually decided to resign, let alone whether he “resigned in protest,” but if he was protesting, it wasn’t very loudly. He stuck around for at least three months after that October Saturday of 1973. The truth doesn’t fit as nicely on an airbrushed postcard but to understand Walt Minnick’s grainy past you have to start at the beginning.

Walt Minnick & John Foster’s Attack Ads:

A response to Minnick’s First Ad

Minnick-Foster’s Fabricated Second Ad:

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Bloggers Calling Minnick’s Ad Bigoted :

(mine was first!)

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What Others Think:

Washington Post:

It isn’t every day that Democrats target Latino challengers with nasty anti-immigrant ads, but these are apparently desperate times for certain embattled Dems.
Check out this remarkably vicious new ad from Blue Dog Dem Walt Minnick of Idaho, claiming that illegal immigration is “good business” for his Republican challenger, Raul Labrador,

Washington Post: When The Dems Take The Low Road

Election 2010: Rep. Walt Minnick’s ad slams Raul Labrador’s work in immigration law Read more:

Idaho politics: Statehouse adversary sides with Labrador on immigration |

What the far liberal left says (Click Here)

Is Walt Running Away From Debating Labrador? Austin Hill’s Open Letter

The MountainGoat Report: ‘Shameful’ Indeed

Statement From: Ralph D. Perez(R) Candidate for Idaho’s District 16 State Representative.

The national democrats have been told by their strategists that the only chance they have of win in November is to make the elections as local as possible by going personally negative and doing so very aggressively. For someone who claims to be so “independent”, seems like he is taking his marching orders right from the Pelosi machine.

Richert: Tough Minnick attack ad goes over the line Read more:

Election 2010: Rep. Walt Minnick’s ad slams Raul Labrador’s work in immigration law Read more: Idaho

John Foster: Walt Minnick’s Liberal Spokesman or Just an Annoying Yapping Little Dog?


Raul Labrador Has A Clear & Precise Stance On Immigration (video) « The “Troublesome” Conservative

The Choice Is Clear Who The Real Conservative Is, November is when we need to make a move on Washington D.C., and Elect the True Conservative Raul Labrador!

Idahoans and our out-of-state friends the Grass Roots Campaign Of Raul Labrador is working hard to defeat Idaho’s Liberal, posing as a conservative.

The campaign can use your financial help Please Donate Today!

Let’s Take Back Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, and VOTE For A Real Conservative Raul Labrador.

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